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Comic-Besprechung - Political Power: Volodymyr Zelensky (English Version)


Author: Michael Frizell, Artist and colors: Pablo Martinena


Tidalwave Productions has released a comic about Volodymyr Zelensky. It tells about Selensky's rise to the presidency of Ukraine. The comic contains 22 pages.


Graphically, this comic is well worth seeing. Pablo Martinena does a very good job of portraying the real characters in this comic, there is also a very nice division of the panels and the whole thing doesn't seem as static as some other historical comicbooks or biographies.

Michael Frizell could have followed the high quality of his artist with his story. But first of all he jumps back and forth in the times. Including an episode in which it is not so clear whether it should be Selensky, who is shown here. It ends up being a scene from the TV series he starred in. More explanation would have been needed here. Frizell apparently assumes that everyone knows the series and knows that Selensky played a history teacher there which became president. And so we end up getting off to a bad start in the story. Since only 22 pages were available, that was a wasted effort. The series could have been handled differently and faster, even if Selensky played a fictional president there.

His opponent in the actual election for the real President of Ukraine, Poroshenko, is shown twice with a diabolical gaze. Certainly the choice of the author. Poroshenko was certainly not a good president, but here, too, more subtle methods could have been used.

And then comes the ultra-worst moment in this comicbook. THREE pages are wasted on the famous Selensky-Trump phone call. Knowing what Trump did here, one rightly wonders whether Michael Frizell is a republican, who likes to practice historical revisionism in order to get their oh-so-great president back into office in 2024. The facts are clearly wrong here. Three pages in a 22-page Selensky comic is simply too much and actually an outrage.

In the end, far too much space was wasted on trivialities. It would have been better to further characterize Selensky and add more historical facts. Perhaps he could have been placed on a slightly less high pedestal. Maybe it was just the wrong time. After all, Selensky has not yet come to the end of his term in office, nor to the end of the war that Russia brought so mercilessly to Ukraine. In the end, this comic is like the Nobel Peace Prize for Obama: It came too soon.


Bad storytelling meets good drawings. Could have been done much better. Unfortunately, this comic is very, very cheesy and sometimes distorts history.

Political Power: Volodymyr Zelensky (English Version) - Klickt hier für die große Abbildung zur Rezension

Political Power: Volodymyr Zelensky (English Version)

Autor der Besprechung:
Bernd Glasstetter

Tidalwave Productions

€ 3,99

ISBN 10:

ISBN 13:

26 Seiten

Bewertungen unserer Redaktion und unserer Leser

Positiv aufgefallen
  • Nice drawings
Negativ aufgefallen
  • Cheesy at times
  • Not very good writing
  • Distorts history at times
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Rezension vom: 20.05.2022
Kategorie: Political Power
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Political Power: Volodymyr Zelensky
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